Tokyo-based experimental mixed media artist, convey individual artistic potential through cutting-edge AI/machine learning induced digital media. Deconstruct is using AI as a means to create complex digital artworks and developed a unique creative process and pipeline utilizing scripts together with traditional digital painting software and tools to visualize, enhance and manipulate a universe of endless possibilities into a coherent visual experience showcasing the beauty of the unknown, unfamiliar, and never been seen before scenes from the depth of various artificial intelligence models latent space.

“Find me another timeline” I whispered and looked directly at the Wataru's eyes, handing over the traditional wooden bowl full of fruits and nuts. As always, the Wataru accepted the offer and closed its eyes forming a deep sad facial expression while humming a strange almost silent tune. I felt - for the third time in my short life – how the reality engine around me was vibrating as if I lost visual cortex focus and everything turned void black. It only took a few seconds but waking up from a timeline adjustment felt as if you were blinded by looking directly at one of the three suns in the sky. Reality re-formed itself once again out of the blackness and I found myself sitting at the Wataru’s camp, alone. I stood up and st
arted walking back toward the outpost wondering what kind of timeline I landed in and how different life might be this time around. It felt fresh and exciting at the same time.
Our colony on Six Gate, a small Earth-like planet orbiting Tau Hydrae, a triple star system in the equatorial constellation of Hydra, 59 light-years from Earth was totally dependant on the fact we never really needed to leave the planet after the first colonists landed and built the colony. While the rest of humanity's existence was based on trade and travel between the various star systems, we found a way to travel from one reality to another, evolving endlessly into various timelines the Wataru sent us to. It kept us safe when disaster hit, we would simply move to a different timeline where the disaster never existed. Any type of social misbehavior or crime was punishable by forced exile into a different timeline where you could correct your ways and continue a life full of happiness and joy. Our colony learned to live away from the misery of a one-and-only timeline the rest of humanity was chained to, unaware of the multiverse around us and its infinite possibilities of existence.
Where the Wataru came from was a total mystery long lost in ancient timelines formed after our arrival at Six Gate. Living through an endless timeline switch turned history into a meaningless concept as no matter how hard you try to keep historical records, they are totally meaningless in your next timeline switch. We simply lost any perception of linear time and space moving forward from one reality to another all on the same planet disconnected from the rest of humanity by an almost cult-like religious belief we are the chosen ones, the few who transcended into the next perception of living.
Walking back toward the outpost, the words of one of my high school teachers float into my headspace. "Your timeline doesn't have to be perfect," she used to tell us again and again. "It just has to be yours. That's what makes it special. That's what makes it real."
She was right, realities the Wataru timelines would send you getting out of hand from time to time, but - I don't mind.

It turned almost midnight when the patrol drone returned to the ship, finding its way back from the thick of the forest and into the edge of the woods where we landed. As the drone approached, my goggles started getting the patrol feed which I fast forward to see if it found what we were looking for on Six Gate, a small Earth-like planet orbiting Tau Hydrae, a triple star system in the equatorial constellation of Hydra, 59 light-years from Earth, after a long 3 years journey from Python - my home planet and the nearest planet in this desolated corner of the galaxy.
The drone landed quietly and the onboard AI flashed a quick message over my googles view screen.
"We found her, Ser. 2 clicks north-east from our location" - together with the exact timeline pointer on the video feed recorder.
"I am carrying a message from the Hikaru, Ser" added the AI nonchalantly.
"A message??" I almost screamed back.
The drone found her sitting at a spinning wheel outside a wooden shack, the dim sunset light falling in a pool around her and casting long shadows around her. Strange-looking feathered birdlike creatures were walking calmly around her pecked by a massive tree, whose branches grew all above the clearing where a wooden shack stood, right by a small stream that flowed from the woods behind it. It all looked so calm and beautiful, almost dreamlike.
The drone approached the Hikaru slowly and the camera zoomed closer and closer to her. This footage will be worth a fortune when I get back home, no one has ever been able to get that close before to the reality shapeshifter before she simply vanishes to a parallel universe, away from reach ever again.
It's a child - I realized to my surprise. A young harmless-looking child wearing drab clothes and a strange-looking head scarf of some sort.
My heart was beating faster. If she can't see the drone approach, I might be able to get close enough for my stun gun to reach her. Bringing back the Hikaru with me means I will never have to risk my life on endless flights around the galaxy. Riches beyond imagination, and with it fame and glory on Python for the rest of my life.
The drone camera kept zooming in as the Hikaru lift her hand suddenly and pointed at the carving on the shack entrance door.
"Leave Now" was carved on the door top frame in large fine letters.
My heart skipped a beat. She was aware of the drone, and probably aware of me seeing her through the cam.
The drone zoomed back to the Hikaru, her face filling up the screen, and I found myself gazing into her strange eyes.
I thought of the many prisoners which I captured and delivered back on Python. Many had screamed or wept or begged to spare and free them. None had simply looked at me straight back as she did with that pure looking 10 years old child-like face, waiting dead calm for my decision.

A full year of bear and we are now realizing the crypto winter is going to last much longer than we thought. This artwork was created to reflect on the state of crypto as of December 2022.
Full Digital Art /// NFT Art gallery at Digital Art Moments at Moments by Soomre
Please look @Deconstruct art at SuperRare
Contact @Deconstruct on Twitter